The ROW Team

The ROW team consists of ambitious helpers who work from the beginning voluntarily and with dedication so that the ROW is an unforgettable beautiful experience with good purpose every time. Like:

Ralf Schulz (†2014): Organization, Bands

Klaus Wagner: Organization, Bands

Amélie Kern: Organization

Eddy Blum: Organization, Sponsoring, Backstage (Claudi & Kadda)

Kadda Weigel, Claudi & Annika Blum: Backstage

Renate & Jürgen Krätzer: Catering

Antje Rauschnabel: Graphics, Web, Organization

Bernd Rauschnabel: Drums, Organization

The "Beer Dream Team"

Lights: Jakob und Johannes

The Merch guys

The Ladies for Champagne and Beverages

And many, many, many more...